First kid, patterns and Stitches West

Dark Chocolate delivered prematurely. Only one of the triplets survived - a buck. He is healthy, but very quiet.
In preparation for Stitches West, I have been sorting and printing patterns. I decided to write out the pattern for my Southwestern Shetland shawl. It took quite a while, since I included extra photos and a stitch chart for the lace section. It is definitely not for a beginner! Thanksgiving was quite interested.
I will be packing up the shop this afternoon and heading out tomorrow morning for California. I am slightly depressed, since there is rain in the forecast for the whole trip. I suffer from the SAD syndrome, so it is going to be tough. I have been reminded that it is an indoor show and that people in other parts of the country do not hibernate when it rains like Arizonans do.
Caitlin, my intern, will be covering what remains in the shop and watching out for the animals. I don't expect any to deliver while I am gone.